Sunday, May 20, 2012

Around Home Latley

Here are some shots of recent visitors this spring.

Some Juncos do stay for the entire year.  Lately they have been singing up a storm as they perch on top of a tree, shrub, or antenna.

Some Ash-throated Flycatchers, shown below,  have arrived for the season.

The ever-present House Wrens.  They have a nest under our eaves and can be heard calling most any time of the day.

Bushtits are usually seen in groups flitting quickly through the treetops - in short, nearly impossible to photograph.  Luckily one morning I caught this little one coming to our birdbatch.


Early in the morning the warblers and their allies like to poke around in the oak trees on the estern side of the house.  They are fun to watch, but usually a glimpse is about all that can be seen, and the lighting is horrible for the camera. 

I got lucky with this Warbling Viero, which stayed still long enough for a photo.

My first ever Warbler photo! A Towshend's Warbler.

The Oak Titmouse can also be tough to photograph, as they are constantly in motion.  This one was kind enough to sit still for a moment.

Band-Tailed Pigeon.  Large, loud, and not a graceful flyer.

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